Yellow Walking Iris

Rodney Barton via pbs
Fri, 21 Jul 2017 14:35:38 PDT
Hi Elaine,
Both names are used for the common yellow walking iris. However, according to Maurice Boussard, the correct name is Trimezia steyermarkii. It is unlikely that you will find the true T. martinicensis or N. longifolia so any plant you find carrying either name will likely be T. steyermarkii. 

I would offer you a start but my plant did not bloom this season. If you don't find one contact  me next spring. Hopefully I can help you out then.


      From: Elaine Jek <>
 Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 12:41 AM
 Subject: [pbs] Yellow Walking Iris
One more newbie question:
Is Trimezia martinicensis and Neomarica longifolia the same plant? And
does anyone have some to spare? I'm trying to recreate the mix of
plants from the spot I visited in my childhood. This yellow iris is
one of them.
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