long-flowering bulbs

Kathleen Sayce ksayce@willapabay.org
Mon, 07 Apr 2014 08:34:06 PDT
Jane mentioned getting several selections of species with long flowering periods so that crossing can take place.

I have three populations of Erythronium revolutum. Two flower very early, and one flowers weeks later.  The later bulbs are just starting to flower this week, while the early bulbs have been past flowering for at least 2 weeks. 

The late population was grown from wild-collected seeds, more than a dozen bulbs in all in the original pot, which were collected at the same time from several pods, so crossing there is no problem. The early-flowering plants, when there was only one bulb, did not set seed at all; this one shows no sign of multiplying yet. Now that I have two separate early flowering Ery-rev populations, I hope to get seed from these too. 

south Washington coast, zone 8

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