Resprouting Ornithogalum

Nathan Lange
Mon, 14 Apr 2014 18:25:06 PDT

One good place to begin a search for information such as this is the 
AGRICultural OnLine Access, commonly known as AGRICOLA:…
Searching for "flower and Ornithogalum and dubium" or "flowering and 
Ornithogalum and dubium" or "inflorescence and Ornithogalum and 
dubium" yields a few interesting results.
Of course, searching for "bloom and Ornithogalum and dubium" or 
"blooming and Ornithogalum and dubium" yields no results since these 
two searches mean something completely different.

Warm temperatures at the correct time seem to be the key.  I grew a 
pot of the orange one for a number of years as a house plant in a 
warm window and they flowered every year, but slowly declined which I 
attributed to insufficient light.


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