Virused Bulbs

Nicholas plummer
Mon, 07 Apr 2014 10:53:44 PDT
Is there any data on how long plant viruses can hang out in the soil?  Last
year, I grew some Gloriosa superba from a commercial vendor.  The plants
exhibited color break in the flowers and some oddly deformed foliage, so I
threw them out at the end of the season.  I now have some new plants I grew
from seed that came from Silverhill, and I wonder about locating them along
the same fence as the old ones.  The questionable plants were in pots, but
roots may have invaded the ground.

Same deal with Cannas in a flowerbed.  I ripped out some clearly virused
Canna about five years ago and would now like to replace them with
virus-free stock from Tony Avent.  Should I pick a different location?


On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Nhu Nguyen <> wrote:

>   Imagine having to dig up and throw out fully mature
> Haemanthus nortieri, sanguineus, amarylloides, Brunsvigia herrei, Boophone
> haemanthoides and other rare species! It was incredibly heart-wrenching but
> had to be done. The plants were infected at some point and each year
> produced smaller and smaller leaves and sicker looking plants.
> One bad bulb can spoil the rest. You can read more about viruses and how to
> keep your collection clean on the wiki Virus page:

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