Hedychium muluense

Tim Chapman tim@gingerwoodnursery.com
Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:24:33 PDT
They can be grown in a very well drained soil in pots or something similar to an orchid mix but with some added organic material.  It's best to allow their aerial roots to be exposed. 

There are several epiphytic Hedychium spp, unfortunately H muluense is far from the most attractive.  They are in their own sub genus/clade , genetically distinct from the rest of the genus.  They form large aerial roots that grip to trees or wrap around smaller saplings.  A few are deciduous but the majority are evergreen.    All are tropical in nature, unlike many of those found in the Himalayas and it's foothills that often experience varying degrees of cold weather at times. 

It's not available anywhere, but to see the best of the epiphytes, image search Hedychium bordelonianum!

Tim Chapman

> Anyone grow this one ? Apparently it's an epiphyte - How does that even
> work, if it's a tuberous / rhizomatous plant ? I have one coming - what
> should I do with it? Mount it ??? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank

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