Hedychium muluense

Jude Haverington tylus.seklos@gmail.com
Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:35:04 PDT
Hi Tim,
Thanks a lot - sounds like a real oddball of oddballs! I didn't order it
based on attractiveness, however I have no idea what to expect - I'm only
familiar with the more usual ones that are available in commerce. Thank you
for the planting suggestions - I think I'll start with an orchid bark base
with some (dirt) mixed in for good measure? Or would a moss base be better?
How about lighting? My guess is subdued / indirect light?
Thanks again!

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Tim Chapman <tim@gingerwoodnursery.com>wrote:

> They can be grown in a very well drained soil in pots or something similar
> to an orchid mix but with some added organic material.  It's best to allow
> their aerial roots to be exposed.
> There are several epiphytic Hedychium spp, unfortunately H muluense is far
> from the most attractive.  They are in their own sub genus/clade ,
> genetically distinct from the rest of the genus.  They form large aerial
> roots that grip to trees or wrap around smaller saplings.  A few are
> deciduous but the majority are evergreen.    All are tropical in nature,
> unlike many of those found in the Himalayas and it's foothills that often
> experience varying degrees of cold weather at times.
> It's not available anywhere, but to see the best of the epiphytes, image
> search Hedychium bordelonianum!
> Tim Chapman
> >
> > Anyone grow this one ? Apparently it's an epiphyte - How does that even
> > work, if it's a tuberous / rhizomatous plant ? I have one coming - what
> > should I do with it? Mount it ??? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank
> >
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