Seeking PBS Wiki editors

David Pilling
Mon, 28 Apr 2014 13:22:55 PDT

The PBS hosts a wiki devoted to bulbs. At the moment there are over 
17,000 photos and 1000 pages. The wiki is on the first page of Google 
for many species and is visited by over a thousand people every day.

The PBS Wiki is a long-term archive. It does not have the ephemeral 
nature of social media, and as such does require more investment of time 
on the part of editors.

Our goal is to continue improving the wiki with more photos, plus a lot 
more cultivation and taxonomic information as it becomes available. In 
order to do this, we need your help!

We're looking for people who can make a long term contribution to the 
wiki, say a couple of hours a week for a year. There are many projects 
and a number of approaches that you can take as an editor, and you don’t 
have to be an expert on the groups you’re working on, as long as you’re 
willing to do research and learn. We’ve found that we learn a lot more 
about a group when working on it for the wiki.

The existing editors will provide training, technical help and 
encouragement on an individual basis. We can fix grammar and even add 

The reasons to take part are altruism, the chance to learn and create 
something great together. Compared to doing your own blog or website the 
advantages are being part of a collaborative effort, the likelihood that 
your work will live on after you move on to other things and the higher 
web profile of the wiki.

Applications by private email to David Pilling (

But feel free to discuss the idea here on the list.

David Pilling
North West England

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