Moraea finished

Mary Sue Ittner
Thu, 05 Jul 2007 08:17:12 PDT

I think (I hope) I have finally finished my Moraea project that I started 
mid May.…
It has taken much longer than I anticipated as I kept getting more pictures 
to add of new species. I stopped announcing what I was doing since I was 
getting so little feedback although those of you who check the recent 
changes may have noticed.
I added a lot more of Cameron McMaster's pictures of Moraea species, both 
from the Eastern Cape where he used to live and from the Overberg, the area 
where he now lives. New species now pictured on the wiki are Moraea 
albicuspa, M. anomala, M. cooperi, M. trifida, and M. virgata (Hexaglottis 
group.) Also John Manning kindly helped me sort out the Homeria group 
species we saw in South Africa so there are lots of species in that group 
added that were not previously  illustrated on the wiki. This group is not 
a very popular group, but there certainly are some lovely flowers with 
interesting markings.…

Even though we had quite a number of Moraea lurida pictures already, a 
recent CD from Cameron had pictures of some with more variations and I just 
couldn't resist adding a few of them. This species is so variable. I've 
never figured out why when I grew my seed from Silverhill which Rachel 
promised me was collected from many different plants they all turned out to 
look the same.

Finally at the IBSA symposium Bob Werra gave a talk on Moraeas, his 
favorite genus, showing slides of some of his plants. He mostly grows the 
Moraea subgroup Moraeas and not the genera sunk into this genus later. He 
grows them in Ukiah, California and probably grows more of them than anyone 
in South Africa. He handed out a summary of his experiences with this genus 
and has kindly agreed to let me add it to the wiki. There is a link from 
the main Moraea page.

I hope the next genus I tackle won't have so many species.

Mary Sue 

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