Hi all, My plant of H. eucharidifolia has been kind enough to grant me three large, fleshy, green seeds. They just fell off the plant and into my waiting hand...now...what do I do with them? Are they ripe or a dud? There is no sign of any sprouting root. Should they be planted now or held till next spring? This is the first year it has bloomed. The seed looks a lot like some crinum seed. This is rainlily season in Florida...and they are blooming their hearts out. It must have been our very dry Spring. The early varieties are late and with the start of our usual rain, the late varieties are early. Yellow, pink, red and in between...they are everywhere in my very small garden...and in pots in my lanai. Zephyranthes traubii is blooming today...pure white flowers with very long necks are so lovely. It has never set seed for me inside the lanai; so I have planted it outside in hopes that some insect will find it and help it along. Zephy katherinae v. rubra has been very generous with it's seed. It loves the hot sun. I am sending seed of this and others to the BX. Everyone should grow these lovely plants. Regards, Lynn Makela In hot humid Florida, Z9b