In praise of 'Super E'

Jay Yourch
Sun, 08 Jul 2007 19:43:30 PDT
Jim Waddick wrote:

>'Super Ellen' is just super. The current flower spike is
>almost to eye level with numerous huge faintly (pleasantly ) scented
>deep rose - red flowers and enormous foliage.

Hi all,

I'd also like to put in a good word for Crinum 'Super Ellen', the flowers are great, 
but even out of bloom the foliage is tremendous and fairly neat despite its size. 
I'd also like to point out that 'Super Ellen' has a good looking little sister 
seedling named 'Sunbonnet'.  'Sunbonnet' is also a large plant, but is shorter and 
more spreading than 'Super Ellen',  with shorter scapes, and near red, instead of 
dark pink, flowers.  Should be just as cold hardy as 'Super Ellen',  also maybe even 
harder to find, the only source I know of is eBay.

'Super Ellen' and 'Sunbonnet' are adjacent entries on the same Wiki page.  Here's a 



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