Dear all, I have been one to praise the hardiness of crinums in cooler climates and grown some for a decade or more. A few years ago one person of this group (Many thanks) sent me the gift of what is now the absolute star of the Crinum garden : Crinum 'Super Ellen'. This Crinum is a cross between 'Ellen Bosanquet' and C. bulbispermum. The former is barely hardy here and does not bloom every year. I survives, but is not 'happy'. It is a beautiful red flowered modest size plant. It is thought to be a hybrid of C. scabrum x C. 'J.C. Harvey'. The former is another barely hardy. When it does bloom it is great (this year for example), but it often does not bloom at all. 'J. C. Harvey' did not survive winters here. Of course Crinum bulbispermum is among the hardiest. See a picture of Ellen B at:… "Super Ellen' is just super. The current flower spike is almost to eye level with numerous huge faintly (pleasantly ) scented deep rose - red flowers and enormous foliage. Here's a picture at the above url and :… I understand it can produce seed, but it has yet to do so for me. (Must get those brushes dusted off. ) So if you are trying cold hardy crinums and can buy a bulb - and they are not easy to come by- put it on the top of your wish list. If I only had another dozen bulbs to plant around... An excellent choice. Best Jim W. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +