Dear All, The items listed below have been donated by our members to be shared. If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please email me PRIVATELY at <>. Include "BX 148" in the subject line. Specify the NUMBERS of the items which you would like; do not specify quantities. It is a good idea to include your snail mail address, too, in case I don't already have it. Availability is based on a first come, first served system. When you receive your seeds/bulbs you will find, included with them, a statement of how much money (usually $2.00/item) (cash, check, or Pay Pal to <>; no money orders, please) you should send the PBS treasurer to defray our costs for packing and first-class, priority-mail, or international postage. PLEASE NOTE: NEW POSTAL-RATE SCHEMES NECESSITATE OUR PLACING A SURCHARGE ON EACH ORDER FROM PBS BX OFFERINGS. Some of you are members of the online PBS discussion forum but are not members of the Pacific Bulb Society. THIS BX OFFERING IS AVAILABLE ONLY TO MEMBERS OF THE PBS. Consider joining the PBS so that you can take advantage of future offers such as this. Go to our website: <> .... If you would like to donate seeds or bulbs/corms to the PBS,(Donors will receive credit on the BX for the cost of postage for their donations.), please send CLEAN, clearly labeled material to: Dell Sherk 6832 Phillips Mill Rd. New Hope, PA, 18938 USA I WILL REPLY TO YOU WITHIN 24 HRS OF MY RECEIPT OF YOUR ORDER. IF YOU DO NOT HEAR FROM ME, TRY AGAIN !! From Jim Waddick: 1. Seed of Crinum macowanii (few) 2. Seed of Hippeastrum x johnsonii: "Typical flowers for the 'species' - bright red with central white star pattern. Should be selfed, but there was a Hipp.'Apple Blossom' seedling blooming across the yard." From Alberto Grossi: SEEDS: 3. Crinum macowanii 4. Canna indica 5. Euphorbia curassavica? 6. Hippeastrum vittatum 7. Cyrtanthus mackenii 8. Schizobasis intricata 9. Tulbaghia violacea 10. Hemerocallis 'Stella d'oro' 11. Mandelilla laxa From Mary Sue Ittner: 12. Cormlets of Freesia alb From Roy Herold: BULBS/TUBERS: 13. Trillium grandiflorum "Flore Pleno" The classic form commonly seen in New England gardens. Difficult to find in commerce, and if you do it will set you back about $75 a pop. These are small rooted offsets from established clumps, just divided this week. With proper care, they should reach blooming size in another year or two. Easy to grow, very hardy, but needs a REAL winter to do well. Not recommended for you folks in Florida or Southern California. Or South Africa, for that matter, where my wife's aunt in the KZN Midlands was unable to keep it going. 14. Trillium pusillum "Robust Form" Originally from Nature's Garden, Oregon. The most vigorous trillium, period, and beautiful to boot. Emerges in early spring with dark, almost black leaves that age to green, and white flowers that age to pink. Can take a lot of sun. Very hardy, but unknown as to cold requirements. 15. Nothoscordum montevidense Originally from Mark McDonough 16. Arum orientale v. sintenisii (aka A. sintenisii?) Originally from Bernd Peters via Arisaema Enthusiast Group, 1996 I have grown this for ten years now, and not once has it flowered for me. I believe this is because the tuber usually shatters into smaller ones when it reaches blooming size, for some unknown reason. This year, however, I must have done something right. When I emptied the pot, there were only big, fat, happy ones. I'll keep one, and you guys can try the rest. 17. Ornithogalum osmynellum Naroegas Originally from Steven Hammer Sort of like a tiny pregnant onion, with starry yellow flowers and spiralling leaves. Blooms early winter, just now going dormant. There is a nice photo here:<… m-cf_osmynellum/620> of a similar plant, although the bulbs appear to be larger and rounder than mine. Leaves and flowers are the same. 18. Oxalis versicolor Sorry if this is too common for your cultured tastes, but it is one of my favorite oxalis. In mid winter, when it is in full bloom and covered with flowers, everyone who sees it WANTS it. In cold, dark New England, it tends to sprawl, so I have found that the best way to grow it is in a hanging pot. 19. Pinellia cordata "Yamazaki" This was thoroughly described in the list last October: <…> and I subsequently donated some bulbils to the BX. This year I have some pots that started to go dormant after our last hot spell, and I decided to send in some more mature tubers. These should resume growth after potting them up again if the climate is cool enough. 20. Anemonella thalictroides "Jade Feather" Or "Green Dragon" or "Green Hurricane". One in the same. 21. Anemonella thalictroides "Shoaf's Double Pink" THE must-have classic. General anemonella notes: We do have some pics in the wiki from John L. They are very hardy, but I don't know how cold they need to get in the winter to do well. Definitely not for Florida or S. California, I'd guess. The tubers are a strange tangle of parts that have an undeserved reputation for being difficult to divide. I have found that you can basically rip the whole thing apart, taking a nominal amount of care to keep the individual pieces intact. If they wind up with a bud, they'll bloom next spring. If not, they'll put up a small leaf, and you'll be in business a bit later. If you get small hunks of tuber with your order, DO NOT discard them. Plant and be patient. 22. Cyrtanthus sp.(probably a hybrid) Medium orange, fading to pink, outfacing trumpet-shaped flowers, about 2"long. Evergreen, good increaser, easy. SEED: 23. Massonia cf. pustulata Same as last fall's offering. Originally received as M. depressa from the NARGS seedex. This form is larger and more robust than a M. pustulata from Richard Doutt that I grow, and the seeds are about twice the size. 24. Cyclamen rohlfsianum Undoubtedly my favorite cyclamen, despite the fact that it is NOT hardy and cannot tolerate frost (yes, I have unintentionally tested this theory, and it is correct). A number of my plants are now 14 years old, and are thriving. One had eight inch (yes, 8") diameter leaves last season, and several have managed to burst heavy duty 6" pots. Each plant is unique, especially with regards to the spectacular leaves. Flowers are quite variable, too, but all have the characteristic exserted style. Seeds are a mix from two different plants, including the eight incher. Thank you, Jim, Alberto, Mary Sue, and Roy !! Best wishes, Dell Dell Sherk, Director, PBS BX