Hi Gang, Sometimes as I read older works, I feel a tinge of jealousy. This passage by Henry David Thoreau exudes an innocence and child-like joy in lilies he found. <Begin Block Quotes> We soon after saw a splendid yellow lily (Lilium canadense) by the shore, which I plucked. It was six feet high, and had twelve flowers, in two whorls, forming a pyramid, such as I have seen in Concord. We afterward saw many more thus tall along this stream, and also still more numerous on the East Branch, and, on the latter, one which I thought approached yet nearer to the Lilium superbum. The Indian asked what we called it, and said that the "loots" (roots) were good for soup, that is, to cook with meat, to thicken it, taking the place of flower. They get them in the fall. I dug some, and found a mass of bulbs pretty deep in the earth, two inches in diameter, looking, and even tasting, somewhat like raw green corn on the ear. <End Block Quotes> But there is more than envy in me; I am a bit sad too, sad that I could not see the world Thoreau saw, or what others see every day in their far off places and at earlier times. But, mostly I'm happy that I the Web brings me Thoreau's words for free. And in truth I'd never trade my life for his: I'm happy to have air conditioning, indoor plumbing, modern medicines, and a ring sideseat as the genomes of the world are being interpreted. Bartleby.com offers good search capabilities for many books. You can look up bulbs, or lilies, or flowers, or wildflowers, or herb gardens. Indeed Thoreau did grow some bulbs, chives and onions for sure. He said, "Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage." I think I'll ignore this last advice and concentrate on some things I like better than poverty: crinums, opuntias. For all you taxonomists out there, I think I've documented the occurrence of an undescribed Opuntia taxon, hiding in the deserts of New Mexico. However, not being a taxonomis, and not knowning the possible things that it could be, I'm just happy to take photos and hope someone else can describe it. Also, it is always possible that the taxon has been described somewhere in the fractured and hard-to-find Opuntia literature. For my part, the only way I know how to find out what it is invovles a trip to Big Bend area of Texas, to view related species and see if they are obviously the same, maybe the same, or mayb not the same. I love road trips. I think bulbs and geophytes suffer from some of the same afflictions as do Opuntia species. Opuntia tend to look alike for most people, even three or four distinct species on Galveston Island are generally regarded as all the same. The same goes for rain liiies; Texas has two white rainlilies that overlap in distribution. If they are noticied at all many people just call them the white Texas rainlily. Cordially, Joe Conroe TX LINK: Unknown and (apparently) Undescribed Opuntia taxon in New Mexico http://opuntiads.com/html/… LINK: Zephyranthes drummondii http://efloras.org/florataxon.aspx/… LINK: Zephyranthes chlorosolen http://efloras.org/florataxon.aspx/…