Scilla madeirensis seed

Brian Whyer
Sat, 13 Jan 2018 15:12:35 PST
Hi Pamela
I have grown it from seed a few times. They seem to take a very long time to ripen here in the UK. My seed pods formed at the end of last summer (September/October) and I don't expect to collect them until next April/May. The pods fill out over winter some getting 1 cm diameter+. Maybe in a warmer climate they ripen more quickly but not in my 7C minimum greenhouse. In their natural habitat they will be warm all "winter". Mine get very top heavy and I wonder if they fall over and ripen and break up on the ground naturally.
Brian UK

      From: Pamela Slate <>
 To: Pacific Bulb Society <> 
 Sent: Saturday, 13 January 2018, 21:56
 Subject: [pbs] Scilla madeirensis seed
Dear PBSers,
My five S. madeirensis are all producing seed and the pods are ripening.
See attached (very amateurish) photo and note some of the pods are slightly
under one cm and each scape has a different number of pods. I have muslin
draw string bags I plan to place over the drying stems to catch the pods
and hopefully find much seed to share with the SX as well as grow myself.
Could anyone out there tell me when I need to cover the scapes and the
approximate time it takes for ripening is complete?

Also, do any of you have experience growing this plant from seed and if so,
please share.

Thanks so much for any information.

Best to all,
Pamela Slate
Scottsdale Arizona USA Zone approx 9A-ish and warming
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