It's probably too late to plant Eranthis tubers (not corms) that have been in dry storage from sale last autumn, especially in the uncontrolled conditions of a garden center. Soaking them is necessary in any case, but they may be past revival. Eranthis should do well where Galanthus (snowdrops) are growing. They are tolerant of summer rainfall. You can order fresher tubers next summer from an importer such as McClure & Zimmerman and plant them right away. The tubers tend to be expensive because of the special handling they need; also, they don't increase rapidly. Here in the Pacific Northwest I've seen container plants offered in spring, but they're probably grown from tubers ordered wholesale by the nurseries. There is an old semi-public garden in Portland, called Bishop's Close, where hundreds of Eranthis flower in spring in a lawn. Jane McGary Portland, Oregon, USA On 1/6/2018 11:20 AM, Janet Loyd wrote: > I’m in Georgia, USA zone 8 can anyone give me advice on how to plant the Eranthis Cilicia or winter buttercup corms or if they will even grow here in the south. I do have a microclimate on the eastern side of my house which supports many other marginal plants such as galanthus, trillium, asarum, epimedium, Polygonatum & many others. I can tell from looking at the tiny dried little corms that a good overnight soaking will only benefit the planting. I can guess the planting depth but other than that I have no clue what else may be needed. I bought the lot of the lonely looking bulbs being the last on the shelf at 70% off local gardening center. So even if they should fail not much has been lost & maybe another gardening lesson learned. Janet Fayetteville, Ga.,USA > Sent from my iPhone > _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…