Thanks, Albert, for taking over the exchange! Here's a bit more information about the Moraea corms I sent to this exchange, plus links to some photos. Plant the corms as soon as you receive them -- they are winter-growing and should have been in the ground already (sorry about that). Most of these are small offsets that will need another year of growth before they bloom. The plants marked GK are from noted Iris breeder Garry Knipe, who is also experimenting in Moraea. Moraea villosa color forms, and crosses between M. villosa forms: Moraea villosa form A… l Moraea villosa form B… l GK 1211 (Moraea villosa form E X form C) Pastel tepals and brightly-colored eyes… GK 1212 (Moraea villosa form C X form F) Pale violet tepals, some flowers have a yellow ring around the central eye… GK 1213 (offspring of Moraea villosa form F) White tepals with light to dark blue eyes… GK 1305 (Moraea villosa form A X form D) Most are pale violet with brightly-colored eyes… MM 12-67 (Moraea villosa form B X D) My favorite villosa cross, this one has a huge variety of pastel tepal colors and bright eyes.… Moraea hybrids: MM 12-55 (Moraea tricolor X macronyx) Yellow with brownish-red streaks. Cormlets.… GK 1303 (MM 09-02c X villosa form D) Pastel tepals in various colors, with light to dark blue eyes… GK 1303_6 Same as above but with white tepals GK 1329 (MM 09-02c X M atropunctata) Most of these have white tepals and dark eyes, but occasionally there's something very different… Let me know if you have any questions. Mike San Jose, CA _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…