Missing E-mails

David Pilling david@davidpilling.com
Tue, 16 Jan 2018 07:18:14 PST
Hi Fred,

On 16/01/2018 14:15, Fred Biasella wrote:
> I don't know if this is happening to anyone else, but for some goofy reason I am not getting all of the e-mails PBS.

We are involved in an endless struggle against internet suppliers who 
block emails from the list.

Aol is a frequent offender, but having said that I can't see from the 
mail list management console that aol is currently blocking.

Yes, you should white list the pbs list, and check in spam folders.

The contents of the list appear on the PBS web site, so you can see if 
what you get matches what is being sent out.


 From that page, you can subscribe to an RSS feed - possibly ancient 
technology now but a way of keeping in touch with developments requiring 
little effort.

We have occasionally suggested to people to open a gmail account, these 
seem less prone to block posts and can be set up to forward to one other 
email account.

The people who block this list, also block "normal" emails, so it's not 
an easy problem to fix.

David Pilling
pbs mailing list

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