Homeria bulbs

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Mon, 29 Jan 2018 07:14:49 PST
I believe that people stopped sharing these with the BX when they were 
declared noxious weeds.


I don't know what written permit would be required. The irony is that 
some species are challenging to grow and most species probably wouldn't 
survive in cold climates.

I found this update from 2010 from the Weed Science Society:
Both §§360.200(c) and 361.6(a)(1) contain entries for Homeria spp. 
However, this genus, and several other genera from the family Iridaceae, 
have been reclassified and transferred to the large genus
Moraea. The PRA prepared to help evaluate whether we should add Homeria 
spp. to the noxious weed list considered specific species within the 
genus Homeria. These species are now classified as
Moraea collina, M. flaccida, M. miniata, M. ochroleuca, and M. pallida. 
Accordingly, we would update the regulations by removing the entry for 
Homeria spp. from both §§360.200(c) and
361.6(a)(1) and adding entries for M. collina, M. flaccida, M. miniata, 
M. ochroleuca, and M. pallida in its place.

I don't know if this distinction was adopted by the federal government, 
but the species listed are some of the ones that are easiest to grow in 
California and therefore have the greatest weed potential.

Mary Sue

On 1/28/2018 7:00 PM, Ann Rametta wrote:
> Hello members, hoping someone can share some of their homeria bulbs to me.

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