Those amazing Hyacinthaceae

Leo Martin
Sat, 06 May 2017 23:23:27 PDT
I have been planting BX accessions tonight. I was also getting together old
mailing materials to send back to Dell for use with the bulb exchange
mailings. Yes, he can use the boxes and envelopes again, if you are careful
with them.

I picked up a padded envelope postmarked June 1, which held my winnings
from BX 399. It didn't feel empty. Inside was BX 399-8:

From Monica Swartz: 8. Small bulbs of Drimia haworthioides: ex Huntington
Botanic Gardens Collection #49314, this fun and easy plant has bulb scales
that look like the leaves of a Haworthia when planted at the surface, then
it grows fur-edged leaves in winter (they should be dying back now). One of
my most requested plants. Doesn't mind year-round water with good drainage.
Seems quite freeze hardy in my 8b climate but I have yet to try it in the
ground. If one of the loose scales falls off, it will make bulblets on its
edges if lightly buried.

This is a winter-growing bulb. I forgot to plant the two small bulbs last
fall. They look completely fine, and each is sprouting a leaf. I potted
them up. I will keep them inside the house, and put them in my coolest room.

My four Drimia / Urginea maritima, outside in large pots, are turning
yellow right now.

Leo Martin
Zone 9?
Phoenix Arizona USA
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