Trying once more....still looking for help. Every two years, the Board approves officers to serve for the following two-year term. President Nguyen has appointed me to serve as chair of the Nominations Committee and I'm looking for other members of the Society to serve on the Committee with me. Our job is to prepare and recommend to the Board a slate of officers to manage the programs and affairs of the Society. The Board will approve the slate by November. That gives us about five months to form the committee (which is approved by the Board), accept nominations, interview candidates, and decide on the slate. If you are interested in serving on the Nominations Committee, please contact me at In addition, if you are interested in serving on the Board, there are five positions to be filled: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Coordinator. Here are descriptions of the positions for your consideration. Not looking for candidates just yet, but I wanted to remind everyone of the position descriptions. New terms start at the beginning of 2018. _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list