Surprising survivors

Nicholas plummer
Mon, 01 May 2017 09:32:28 PDT
It was also a generally mild winter here in central North Carolina,
although the prolonged warmer-than-usual weather was followed by a several
cold snaps.  I think the minumum temperature was about 12 F (-11 C),
accompanied by a couple of inches of snow.  The erratic weather was bad for
my hydrangeas and gardenias which started to grow too soon and then froze.
They would have been fine with more consistently cold weather.

Bulbs were insulated against the fluctuations, so most did fine.  My most
surprising survivors were some Tigridia pavonia (common, commercially
available clones) which tolerated wet clay over the winter, and a Scadoxus
puniceus that I planted on a whim last year, because it wasn't doing well
in a pot.  The Scadoxus didn't bloom this spring, but its two new growths
are significantly larger than last year's.

Nick Plummer
North Carolina, zone 7
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