Another unknown

Ken via pbs
Thu, 01 Jul 2021 13:44:41 PDT
 Hi Jim ...
Thanks for the offer of pollen, but I will pass ... I am so behind on up-potting my many seedling B.distichas.  I just took 32 of them to the San Diego Safari park to be placed in their old world/african garden section.   I believe your flowering bulb is also B.disticha.  My experience is the (previous year's) leaves on Winter growers go dormant just before or as the flower bud arises, and become somewhat more decurved as in your photograph.  Bulbs restricted to pots tend to take much longer to bloom, IMO, but produce nice sets of leaves.  In-ground plants, where roots can run freely, tend to bloom annually after 5-7 years.  I've had them bloom in as little as 4 years.  In our mild, relatively cool, coastal climates, the Winter-growers ... and definitely my crosses between Winter-growers and Summer growers, tend to be nearly evergreen, producing a new flush immediately after blooming or sometimes even as the bulb is shooting up its annual flower bud.  Immature, non-blooming bulbs sometimes carry both last and current years flush of leaves for awhile.  My Summer-growers (from the Eastern Cape) ALWAYS lose their leaves during our Winter.  
Did you decide if you wanted a few of my B.disticha or B.haemanthoides seedlings?  I can send them along in the same box as the pollen.
    On Thursday, July 1, 2021, 12:40:49 PM PDT, Jim Foster via pbs <> wrote:  
 The bulb coning into flower is a mystery to me.  I've had it for over 10 
years and is coming into flower in my bulb garden.  The recurved leaves 
seem to be it's growth habit.  The ones behind are both B. disticha.  
The photo was taken 7 years ago.

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