Haemanthus albiflos and pauculifolius outdoors in beds

Mike via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sat, 31 Jul 2021 14:46:00 PDT
Hello All,

Im helping some friends plant some H. albiflos and pauculifolius in a bed
that already has Clivia miniata growing successfully. Bright dry shade is
how I’d describe the location.  Im seeking  best practices  to prep the
bulb bed ( I’m mixing in some pumice but other then that I’m all ears.).
also would I plant the bulbs like my potted ones  with top 1/3 above soil
level. The garden is in coastal San Diego. I’d like to get them in the
ground soon…

Thanks in advance for your help.

San Diego
Where the monsoon is bubbling up thunderheads for some much needed rain
over deserts and mountains….
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