Cyrtanthus falcatus x herrei from BX 239

Rimmer deVries
Thu, 20 Dec 2018 10:45:53 PST
Is anyone growing Cyrtanthus falcatus x herrei from BX 239 Donated by Ken Blackford?

Are these evergreen or summer dormant for you? 

Original description:
9. Seeds of Cyrtanthus falcatus x C. herrei. 
I feel fairly confident that these will turn out to be valid crosses between Cyrtanthus falcatus (seed parent) and C. herrei (pollen parent, frozen last September) as none of the flowers I attempted to self from the C. falcatus pollen produced l pods/seed.
I suspect my two original C. falcatus bulbs, now numbering about 45 after 7 years, are all clones of the same plant as they divide/split rather quickly.
They did well growing in the ground, on a North-facing hillside in pretty
lousy clayish soil, here in San Diego about 2 miles as the crow flies from the ocean. I've only had one hard frost, 4.5 years ago in December 2005,
down to about 30F. Unusual here, but I live in a canyon where cold air does collect on calm winter mornings. They were, of course, dormant at the time but appeared unfazed when growth resumed in March even though the bulbs tend to grow exposed about 2/3 above the soil line. Last year I split the clump and put half of the bulbs into a pot. 

Rimmer deVries
Bowling Green, KY
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