
Jocelyn Ryan
Tue, 18 Dec 2018 15:28:00 PST
Hello Robin, I am very intrigued by your mention of 'a good soaking in
willow water' to aid propagation.  Would someone have time to explain this
to me?  Happy Christmas from Australia,  Jocelyn

-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [] On Behalf Of
Hansen Nursery
Sent: Tuesday, 18 December 2018 11:24 AM
To: 'Pacific Bulb Society' <>
Subject: Re: [pbs] Thalictrum

"" I was a bit puzzled to see an article on Thalictrum, which most of us
don't think of as a geophyte, but then I found that this genus now includes
the former Anemonella thalictroides, which does have little tubers and can
spread underground..."""

Thalictrum tuberosum has to be one of my favorite Thalictrums.  I have good
results from seed but I tend to plant immediately as soon as I notice it in
its green stage and when it is pulled gently and comes free.  It needs the
winter cold and germinates in spring for me.  I'm going to try experimenting
with the tubers to see if somehow they'll propagate, maybe with a good
soaking in willow water.

I sow the seed in my standard container mix, keep it lightly moist and it
does sometimes take awhile even when sown fresh.  I think it has about the
largest pure white flowers in the whole genus, yet as Jane mentions it's
quite short, and it does flower well in containers even with some neglect so
it can handle less moisture than one would think.  

It's now showing up in seed lists occasionally which amazes me as it is an
easy, small, reliable geophyte and should be grown more than it is.  I hope
I'll have enough to donate next summer.  I'd like to see how it grows in
other climates.

Hansen Nursery

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