Lilium martagon rebloom
Makiko Goto-Widerman (Sat, 10 Oct 2015 18:43:08 PDT)

Hi Jane,

It is extremely hot here in Southern California.

I found a white speciosa Japanese Lily bloomed yesterday. This is the first time to re bloom.


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On Oct 10, 2015, at 4:50 PM, Pendray <> wrote:

I always have one or two of my martagons rebloom in the fall. If to late the frost hits them.
Calvor Palmateer
Victoria zone 7/8

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On Oct 10, 2015, at 4:01 PM, Jane McGary <> wrote:

The historically hot and very dry weather of the past few months in the US Northwest has made a number of plants behave differently than usual. One surprise coming with cooling temperatures is that a Lilium martagon in the garden, which had flowered in late spring as usual and withered, has sent up a second scape and opened some flowers. I've never had a lily species do this before. Has anyone else seen such behavior?

This particular martagon lily was grown from seed obtained from a Czech collector, who wrote that it came from an "orange-flowered" population in Siberia. My plant's flowers are not what I could call "orange," but they are different from the usual pink or white shades, being a sort of muddy buff. Not a gem, but certainly an eccentric.

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA
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