Above-ground bulbs. Light during dormancy?
pelarg@aol.com (Fri, 30 Oct 2015 14:12:05 PDT)
Hi Nick,
I grow both, having more of the merwillea, and both go in the garage which has some light but they go dry for winter. Merwillea sheds its leaves rather quickly when it gets dry and wouldnt need any light I am sure. As for Boophane, I have seedlings and thus less experience, but if the leaves die back it wouldnt need light either. The coolness should help keep it from dehydrating, the fleshy roots of amarylliads dont like to be too dry for long as the bulbs need to spend energy regrowing them if that happens. The other thing to consider if you put the bulbs in a crawlspace is to make sure no rodents go after them, although I do believe the species you mention should be safe as they are quite toxic. Ernst Van Jaarsveld once told me when I was in SA on a collecting trip with him when I worked for NYBG that the deeper the bulb grows, the less toxic it often is, which makes sense since toxic bulbs have little reason to spend energy reserves going very deep into the ground t
o avoid predation.
Ernie DeMarie
Briarcliff Manor NY Z6/7 where the main bulb action is from oxalis spp indoors.