Pendray (Wed, 14 Oct 2015 13:53:16 PDT)
Hi Ernie
Where did you get the erythrina zeyheri.
Calvor Palmateer
Victoria bc
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 14, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Ernie DeMarie via pbs <> wrote:
Travis I am a member of NARGS and SRGC, in fact I have to renew both this month. Both have great seed distributions, including both hardy and not so hardy bulbs. Occasionally the odd packet will be mislabelled (probably the donor got the id wrong) or seed might be inviable (seems a lot of folks dont understand that a lot (not all) of asteraceae tend to be self infertile so they send chaff) but the value really cant be beat. For the UK societies like SRGC you need the small lots seed permit and have to send them copies plus labels, so thats a bit tedious but they have some stuff over there we cant get here. Like the strain of Cosmos atrosanguineus that does produce seed, I finally got to grow it and while our weather was not the best for them I got a few seeds and more important just dug up the tubers (has tubers like a small dahlia) and potted them to keep them indoors for winter. Seems there is a strain of this species in New Zealand that is able to make seed unlike
e tissue cultured thing we have here, and it may be extinct in the wild.
The magazines of both are good and NARGS local chapters are often a great way to meet other plant minded folks and obtain interesting new things for your garden/collection.
Ernie DeMarie
Briarcliff Manor NY where a Crinum bulbispermum is in full bloom, again, and Crocosmia aurea continues its long season of bloom in the gardens. A single seed in a single pod of Erythrina zeyheri is ripening, may have to bring it in if frost threatens this weekend (the pod, not the plant).
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