Fwd: Re: Fritillaria query
mark akimoff (Thu, 29 Oct 2015 18:04:53 PDT)

I checked with my local ag inspector and for what it's worth her response
was that cut flowers as long as unpropagatable, are unregulated as far as
exporting is concerned. No doubt the florist industry is to thank.

Might be interesting to hear what if any Polish import regulations would

Mark Akimoff
Salem, OR
On Oct 29, 2015 10:10 AM, "Jane McGary" <janemcgary@earthlink.net> wrote:

Marcin Zych, professor of biology at a Polish university, has sent an
inquiry via the website. They are seeking fresh flowers of American species
of Fritillaria for a research project centering on the biology of the
nectaries in the genus. I suggested to Prof. Zych that obtaining material
from the UK or Europe would be easiest for them.

Do any of you in those countries grow these species, and are you willing
to send flower material to Poland? I expect they would also welcome bulbs
they could grow there.

Please write directly to Professor Zych at the address below.

Jane McGary

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Fritillaria query
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 13:35:02 +0100
From: Marcin Zych <mzych@biol.uw.edu.pl>
To: Jane McGary <janemcgary@earthlink.net>
CC: Kasia Roguz <kaska.roguz@wp.pl>

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