Please read all the notes below as there are some differences for SX4. The items below have been donated by our members and friends to be shared. Notes for SX 4: 1) Items new for SX4 start at 660. 2) You may also order any items from SX1-3 that are still available (items 401 to 659). Please put all items you want into a single list, regardless of which SX they are from. 3) SX1 items (401-469) are now half price ($1.00 US per packet). If you are interested in obtaining some of these items, please email me PRIVATELY at: Please put "SX4" in the subject line. This will help ensure your email goes into the right folder. Please include your shipping address (even if you've provided it previously). It is better to FORWARD this email to the above address rather than attempting to REPLY to it as your reply will probably go to the entire PBS list, and since my mail program will sort private replies ahead of replies to the list, this will cause your request to be processed later. As requests are filled first-come-first-served, replying to the list will reduce your chance of receiving items that are in short supply. You may request 1 or 2 packets of any item. Specify the quantity (1 or 2) and the item number. Please include your shipping address (even if you've provided it previously). When you receive your seeds, you will find enclosed a statement of what you owe the PBS treasurer ($2.00 US per packet, $1.00 US per packet for SX1 items, + shipping). Many of you are members of the PBS mailing list, which is free, but are not members of the Pacific Bulb Society which has a yearly membership charge. ONLY PBS MEMBERS MAY PARTICIPATE IN THIS SX. If you are not a member, please consider joining so that you can participate in future offers such as this one. Go to: for membership information. Thank you to all of our generous donors! Steve 401 Albuca tenuifolia (A. shawii) UU 402 Albuca sp., tall, white, evergreen UU 403 Allium cernuum 'Hidcote' UU 404 Allium rubrovittatum JM 405 Allium sp., ex Chiapas NN 408 Bowiea volubilis 'nana' RHa 411 Canna paniculata ? UU 424 Freesia sp., mixed, OP KC 432 Habranthus tubispathus NN 433 Habranthus tubispathus PS 434 Habranthus tubispathus, OP, ex BX 355 KC 435 Herbertia lahue NN 439 Hippeastrum 'Minerva' x 'Black Pearl' KC 442 Lachenalia latifolia* (Lachenalia nervosa) RH 443 Lilium formosanum, short, ex Taiwan JL 449 Ornithogalum viridiflorum (Galtonia) NN 450 Ornithogalum fimbrimarginatum, HBG118287 KC 451 Ornithogalum magnum UU 452 Ornithogalum regale NN 453 Orthrosanthus chimboracensis NN 460 Rhadamanthus (Drimia) sp. aff. Platyphyllus RH 466 Tulbaghia acutiloba, Devon NN 467 Tulbaghia galpinii NN 470 Albuca humilis RdV "ex JCA 15856 from 2012 NARGS seed # 83 that came as ex JCA 15856. see… Trip 30 field notes: collected at 300m in the Drakensberg- Mont aux Source collected on 25th March 1996, photos on flicker: 72157646437270133/ Gravelly cliff edges at 300 m" 472 Allium albopilosum (A. cristophii) 'Star of Persia' FT 473 Allium flavum FL 474 Allium flavum ex Bulgaria BJ 475 Allium subhirsutum KS 476 Allium ramosum, 30 in, fragrant JW Blooms around July 4 here in Kansas City. White flowers with a very nice floral fragrance about 30 in tall. The name has some dispute, but the description is distinct. 477 Allium senescens, 14 in., pink RD 480 Arisaema flavum, bright yellow spathe RdV 481 Arisaema heterophyllum BW 482 Arisaema sp.? FL 484 Asphodeline lutea FL 485 Barnardia japonica RD see photos on PBS wiki. These bloom in September and send up 1/2" wide leaves first the the stems. Seed set in late Sept-Oct. This is a mix of about a half dozen accessions, so there is variation. 486 Bellevalia dubia MSI 498 Calochortus uniflorus RW 500 Calochortus venustus, white/purple/blush CE 501 Calochortus venustus, white/yellow CE ex Contra Costa Co., CA 502 Calochortus venustus,white/red blotches CE ex Alameda Co., CA 503 Calochortus weedii, ex Riverside Co, CA KM 504 Calochortus weedii, ex Ukiah, CA RW 505 Chlorogalum pomeridianum MSI 506 Crocus goulimyi MSI 507 Cyclamen hederifolium KS which should produce mixed (dark to light) pinks and whites 508 Dierama pulcherrimum FL 509 Dierama 'Snowbells' FL 510 Dietes flavida, few GC 511 Dracunculus vulgaris JW This has been hardy in Kansas City for a decade plus in full sun and light shade. 515 Gladiolus byzantinus KS purchased as G. illyricus, but after reading, and rereading Porcelli’s article, PBS, these are G. byzantinus 516 Gloriosa superba FL 518 Habranthus tubispathus FL 519 Habranthus tubispathus PS 522 Hesperantha oligantha MSI 523 Hesperantha pauciflora MSI 524 Hosta sieboldii FL 527 Iris latifolia FL 528 Iris lutescens UU 530 Libertia chilensis FL 531 Lilium columbianum KS parent bulbs collected as seed on Saddle Mtn, NW OR 532 Lilium columbianum RHa from vicinity of Lac la Hache, BC at 3000 ft., very numerous in clearcut, plants 12 in to 6 ft 533 Lilium formosanum FL var. pricei 534 Lilium hyb., Aurelian RdV Div 6, 'Beautiul Victoria' x 'Tropical Garden', F2 535 Lilium longiflorum, hyb. UU hand pollinated. I bought the bulbs in Poland (yet another former communist country with a longstanding gardening tradition) A good form with large waxy white trumpets with good scent. After the first flowering it produced a second shoot but the flowers aborted due to bad weather. 537 Lilium martagon FL 538 Lilium martagon 'Mrs R.O. Backhouse' KS 539 Lilium martagon hyb. A RdV 540 Lilium martagon hyb. B RdV 541 Lilium martagon 'Mrs R.O. Backhouse' RdV dark seed 542 Lilium regale, white back RdV 543 Lilium, mixed Aurelians RdV mostly crosses that are too few to offer a reasonable packet, but also include missing or faded tags, - lots of good stuff. 544 Moraea ciliata MSI photos on flicker of seed parents:… 545 Moraea polyanthos RW 546 Moraea tripetala RW 548 Moraea vegeta, tan RW 552 Ornithogalum arabicum FL 553 Ornithogalum candicans KS parent bulb from Cistus Nursery 554 Ornithogalum magnum FL 555 Ornithogalum saundersiae BH 556 Ornithogalum viridiflorum FL 557 Paeonia mascula AP 558 Paradisea lusitanica FL 559 Prospero autumnale KS (Scilla autumnalis) parent bulbs grown from seeds from PBS 560 Prospero autumnale RdV this blooms in August after sending up grasslike leaves 565 Sinningia cardinalis, red DK 567 Sinningia conspicua x cardinalis DK 568 Sisyrinchium bellum FL 570 Tigridia pavonia 'Sunset in Oz' RdV 571 Tradescantia boliviana UU 572 Triteleia ixioides subsp. scabra MSI 573 Tulipa tarda FL 574 Wachendorfia thyrsiflora FL 575 Zantedeschia aethiopica UU Zantedeschia aethiopica summer growing hardy form. Given to me by John Grimshaw, it was collected in 2002 on Sani Pass, near Sani Pass Hotel, remained a single crowned plant with only very few offsets but has very small white flower on long tube but the leaves are very large and beautiful, a large clump of it must be spectacular. No other Zantedeschia was in flower at this time so the seeds should come true. There is a second clone which is less vigorous and has not flowered so far. It definitely behaves like a summer grower and has been hardy with a good mulch so far. Also it does not mind hot summer weather whereas the widely available form "Crowborough" never performed with me, it went dormant in hot summer weather. I will sow some of the seeds myself to have more plants of this beauty. 582 Acis autumnalis JM 583 Adenium "roseum" (A. obesum, red?), OP KC 584 Agapanthus 'Midnight Blue' Headbourne Hybrid UU * 585 Agapanthus 'Navy Blue' MS 586 Albuca 'Blue Curls' PS 587 Albuca bracteata, OP KC 588 Albuca namaquensis RdV * 589 Albuca suaveolens RdV * 590 Albuca suaveolens, ex Swartz, OP KC 591 Allium sphaerocephalon, OP KC 592 Allium tangutium? JM 593 Babiana 'Purple Haze', ex Wickham, OP KC 594 Babiana stricta, OP KC 595 Bletilla striata MS 596 Cardiocrinum cordatum JMc 597 Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus BH 598 Dichelostemma multiflorum ex. Akimoff RdV 599 Dierama dracomontanum MS * 600 Ennealophus euryandrus AN 601 Eucomis bicolor MSI 602 Ferraria crispa A, OP KC 603 Ferraria crispa B, ex Telos, OP KC 604 Ferraria crispa, dark, ex Telos, OP KC 605 Ferraria crispa, OP KC 606 Ferraria densipunctulata, OP KC 607 Ferraria divaricata, OP KC 608 Freesia grandiflora PS 609 Freesia laxa ssp. azurea PS 610 Freesia laxa, OP KC 611 Freesia laxa, red, OP KC 612 Freesia viridiflora DF 613 Gelasine elongata IC 614 Gladiolus "orchidiflorus", ex BX 351 KC 615 Gladiolus communis (ssp. byzantinus) MS 617 Habranthus brachyandrus, huge IC 618 Habranthus xfloryi, green throat IC 619 Habranthus magnoi IC 620 Habranthus tubispathus, OP KC 621 Hippeastrum 'Red Garden' FB 622 Hippeastrum 'Blue Dream', OP KC 623 Hippeastrum 'Desire' KC 624 Hippeastrum 'Minerva' KC 625 Hippeastrum 'Orange Sovereign', OP KC 627 Hippeastrum 'Striped Parade' KC 628 Iris tectorum JM 629 Iris tenax JM 630 Lachenalia contaminata PS 631 Lachenalia mutabilis DF 632 Lachenalia orchioides var. glaucina DF 633 Lachenalia pendula (L. bulbifera, L. bifolia) DF 634 Lachenalia reflexa AT 635 Lachenalia relexa PS 636 Lilium, white tetra trumpet UU * 637 Massonia echinata AT 638 Massonia pustulata AT 639 Massonia pustulata, OP KC 640 Melasphaerula ramosa, OP KC 641 Moraea polystachya DF 642 Moraea polystachya, ex Swartz, OP KC 643 Nothoscordum ostenii, white, OP KC 644 Othonna aff. perfoliata RdV * 645 Pelargonium appendiculatum RJ 646 Polyxena (Lachenalia) corymbosa RJ 647 Scilla latifolia UU * 648 Sisyrinchium idahoense JM 649 Tigridia pavonia, white IC 650 Veltheimia capensis DF 651 xHippeastrelia PS 652 Zephyranthes atamasco BHf * 653 Zephyranthes drummondii BH 654 Zephyranthes drummondii RdV * 658 Zephyranthes verecunda "rosea" (Z. minuta) IC 659 Zephyranthes verecunda, Mexican (Z. minuta) IC 660 Albuca collina, ex Willowmore DH 661 Albuca pulchra, ex Namibia MSW 662 Albuca sp.?, ex Plattenberg Bay MSW 663 Allium amethystinum RdV ex BX 252, 36" tall, red-purple drumstick 664 Allium ascalonicum RdV ex Alan Edwards, 20" tall, white 665 Allium ramosum RdV white, 20 - 24 " tall 666 Asarum marmoratum AMN light required for germination; cold stratification for 12 weeks 667 Babiana tubulosa KS 668 Bulbine torta, ex Sutherland DH harv. 4/01 669 Calochortus luteus, rust hash marks JB 670 Calochortus luteus, rust spot and hash marks JB 671 Calochortus superbus, white/lilac JB 672 Calochortus venustus, white JB 673 Camassia leichtlinii, dark blue KS 674 Dichelostemma capitatum JB 675 Dichelostemma capitatum TO 676 Dichelostemma ida-maia JB 677 Dichelostemma multiflorum JB 678 Dodecatheon hendersonii TO 679 Erythronium hendersonii TO 680 Ferraria crispa subsp. nortieri, OP JWI 681 Ferraria crispa, OP JWI 682 Ferraria densepunctulata, OP JWI 683 Ferraria uncinata, OP JWI 684 Freesia alba MSW 685 Freesia laxa, orange MGW 686 Freesia occidentalis MSW 687 Gladiolus bonaespei, ex Silvermine DH 688 Iris chrysophylla TO 689 Iris planifolia, ex W. of Loule DH 690 Ixia maculata KS 691 Lachenalia comptonii DH harv. 5/99 692 Lachenalia mediana MSW 693 Lachenalia orthopetala MSW 694 Lachenalia pallida MSW 695 Lachenalia pygmaea MSW 696 Lachenalia reflexa MSW 697 Lachenalia viridiflora MSW 698 Lilium candidum, OP x self DH harv. 9/14 699 Manfreda maculosa MSW 700 Manfreda sileri MSW 701 Manfreda undulata, 'Chocolate Chips' MSW 702 Massonia echinata? MSW 703 Massonia pustulata?, came as M. depressa MSW 704 Massonia cf. pustulata, ex NARGS, striped MSW 705 Massonia echinata, ex Mesa Gardens MSW 706 Massonia sp.?, ex Addo MSW 707 Moraea bipartita MSW 708 Nomocharis aperta MMG like good, moist soil 709 Ornithogalum concordianum (Albuca concordiana), ex Matjiesfontein DH 710 Ornithogalum reverchonii, ex Grazalena DH ~2013 711 Pamianthe peruviana PM 712 Pelargonium incrassatum, OP DH 713 Triteleia hyacinthina JB 714 Triteleia ixioides JB 715 Triteleia laxa JB 716 Veltheimia bracteata RT 717 Veltheimia bracteata TE 718 xHippeastrelia CM 719 Zigadenus fremontii (Toxicoscordion fremontii), ex Riverside Co, CA DH Anne McNeil = AMN Ake Nordstrom = AN Angelo Procelli = AP Arnold Trachtenberg = AT Bob Hoel = BH Bill Hoffman = BHf Bill Janetos = BJ Bridget Wosczyna = BW Chris Elwell = CE Cynthia Mueller = CM Dave Boucher = DB Dee Foster = DF Dylan Hannon = DH Dennis Kramb = DK Fred Biasella = FB Francisco Lopez = FL Fred Thorne = FT Giovanni Curci = GC Ina Crossley = IC Jim Barton = JB Jonathan Lubar = JL Jame McGary = JM Jim McKenney = JMc Joyce Miller = JMi Jim Waddick = JW Jim Wickman = JWI Karl Church = KC Kipp McMichael = KM Kathleen Sayce = KS Bill Hoffmann = BHf Makiko Goto-Widerman = MGW Mark McGee = MMG Maggie Soderstrom = MS Mary Sue Ittner = MSI Monica Swart = MSW Nhu Nguyen = NN Nick Plummer = NP Paul Matthews = PM Pamela Slate = PS Rimmer de Vries = RdV Richard Haard = RHa Roy Herold = RH Ruth Jones = RJ Ray Talley = RT Robert Werra = RW Tim Eck = TE Travis Owen = TO Uli Urban = UU _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list