'Lilac Wonder' and Scilla confusion... (blog post)
Travis O (Wed, 14 Oct 2015 10:54:07 PDT)


I just recently posted a new entry to my blog (Amateur Anthecologist). My "true" Colchicum 'Lilac Wonder' is blooming, and much other bulb activity in the garden (along with all the bulb companions). I also addressed a confusing issue of nomenclature with a few species of Scilla sensu lato. Have a look!


Or try this:


On an unrelated note, I went to my first ever Siskiyou Chapter NARGS meeting last night, it was fun (Thanks again Robin!) Someone brought bags and bags of free bearded Iris rhizomes, and a few boxes of the quarterly newsletter from the past six or seven years for anyone interested (I got a handful). I am now planning on becoming a paid member. Is anyone else a member of NARGS in one form or another?

Travis Owen
Rogue River, OR
