Pamianthe peruviana seeds per Rick Buell
Jim McKenney (Mon, 26 Oct 2015 13:06:52 PDT)

Last year i got seven Pamianthe seeds through the exchange. I planted them in a deep (10") container filled with partially composted tree bark, The container was placed outside in the open air and full sun. Until the seeds germinated (and every one did) they were watered daily. They grew well throughout the summer and early fall. As things cooled down, I brought them inside, where they grew well until...
About the "until": to economize, I keep the house thermostat set to 55 degrees F. I've already been told that that's too cold for most people, but it never occurred to me that it might be too cold for some plants. It's apparently too cold for Pamianthe: one by one they disappeared during the winter. 
This was a huge disappointment, and I had to give myself the talk about not being able to have everything. I wrote Pamianthe off as not for me.
Until there was another "until". I wrote them off until I read on The Bulb Maven blog about growing them on a heated pad. So, if I get another chance, I'll grow them during the winter over something warm  (the pilot light on the stove is tempting). 
Jim McKenneyMontgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7 where early leaf color is really great this year.
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