Channeled ?

Nhu Nguyen
Wed, 29 Oct 2008 14:36:25 PDT
Hello David,

It is a longitudinal depression along the mid-vein found in some leaves. If
you could imagine taking a leaf and slicing it transversally, you will see
that the cut forms a 'V' or sometimes a 'U'. Leaves of sedges are often
channeled. Hope that helps.


On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 2:21 PM, David Ehrlich <>wrote:

> Hello all,
>   In several places, including in this forum, I have seen the adjective
> 'channeled', e.g. channeled leaves, channeled tepals, etc.  I have looked
> this word up in the glossaries of most of my plant books, but can't find
> it.  Perhaps I am dense, but I don't understand what it means.  Could
> someone in this forum please explain what this means?
> --

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