Hippeastrum angustifolium

Dell Sherk dells@voicenet.com
Sun, 12 Oct 2008 05:49:56 PDT
Dear Lee,

Two notes on this subject:

I have grown and bloomed H. teyucarense x H. angustifolia from seed that
Warren Glover sent to the IBS BX back when I ran it. I'll try to get a photo
onto the wiki.

I once contacted the Japanese grower, whom you reference, to ask for seeds
to be donated to one of the exchanges, and he replied at that time that his
plant(s) had set no seed that season. I think he is the one who grows it in
a small artificial pond. There are photos of it floating around on the web.
I'll try again if I can find his contact information.


Lee Poulsen wqrote to the IBS forum:

1e. Re: Hippeastrum collectors
    Posted by: "Lee Poulsen" wpoulsen@pacbell.net wlpoulsen
    Date: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:44 am ((PDT))

Ten or more years ago, an IBS member who lives in Japan donated a huge
amount of seeds of H. angustifolium to the IBS SX. I got some, but not
knowing anything about the species, especially that after the first or
second year of growth, you then need to grow it with water around the bottom
of the pot. So my seedlings all suddenly died on me. Charles Hardman told me
that he had great difficulty keeping them alive, and at the time I spoke
with him a couple of years ago, he said he only had one bulb left. I asked
him how the member in Japan was able to send so many seeds to the SX way
back when and he said that member grew his H. 
angustifolium in a stream that flowed through his property, where they
naturalized and grew very well. So well that he had hybridized them with
another, pink, Hippeastrum I believe. He donated seeds of that hybrid as

Maybe someone could contact Charles Hardman and ask him who this Japanese
member is and whether he has any contact information, and maybe someone
could then contact that member and ask if he might be able to donate more
seeds of it in the future.

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena, California, USDA Zone 10a

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