To all moraea lovers, I have an excess of winter growing S Africa moraeas in my inland California location. These are all good corm formers. I'm sorry I don.t have a website, but pictures are on the wiki. 1.) Moraea aristata- 12 in. with blue center peacock. Multiplies well with stolons. Does better near the Calif. coast. Rare in nature. Nonfugacious. 2.) M. ciliata- 4-6 in. miniature slate blue or 6-8 in. blue and yellow irislike blossom. Blooms early-Feb.-March. Multiplies exceedingly with many basilar cormlets forming small clumps. Fugcious but periodic repeat blooms for 4-8 weeks. Tolerates frost. 3.) M. gigandra-12in. largest blosomed peacock lavender with a black and white center crescent. Nonfugacious. Multiplies fairly well with seed and cormlets. Rare in nature. 4.) M. macrocarpa.- 3 in. with disproportinally large violet and yellow blossom. Very fugacious and blooming period short. 5.) M. macronyx- 4-6 in. yellow/white irislike blossom. Feb.-March. a real charmer. Seeds and basal cormlets poorly, but makes under ground cormlets forming nice small colonies. Fugacious but repeats periodically for 6 weeks. 6.) M. polyanthos- 12-14 in. with light blue medium 6 petal blossoms. Late bloomer -June. Fugacious opening in late afternoon with a shower of blossoms. Nice but not exciting. However, it is the best reproducer-self pollinating and vigorous cormlet production. 7.) M. tripetela- varying shades of blue slender iris like blossoms. Not spectacular but very nice en masse in a long narrow pot or colony in the ground. Non fugacious. Actually it is the very best reproducer by seed and underground stolons and cormlets. 8.) M. vegeta- http://4-6in.tan/yellow/ small blossoms. Not spectacular, but interesting. Fugacious. Self pollinating. 9.)M. tulbaghensis- 12 in. orange large peacock with brown or green center. Non fugacious. Fair seedmaker but an excellent underground corm producer. Rare in nature. 10.) M. villosa- The queen of the peacocks. 12 in. with white to purple with greento blue iridescent centers. Non fugacious. Makes seed well and underground corms even better. They do well in a well drained lean mix. If you want some, I will try to accommodate you. Let me know. I apologize for the length of this message. .