Chilean/Andean Rhodophiala Dormancy Cycles?

David Maxwell
Mon, 06 Oct 2008 20:39:16 PDT
Hi All,

I have a question for those Members who have grown...or at least attemped
growing...the Chilean/Andean species (R.splendens, R.rhodolirion,
R.andicola, R.phycelloides, R.advena, R.bagnoldii) of Rhodophiala from seeds

Did any/all of these species go into dormancy in their first year of growth?

If so...about how many weeks after planting...and about how many weeks was
their dormancy?

My experience with Hippeastrum is that the seedlings grow continuously
throughout their first winter (May/June planting)...even at temperatures in
the low 50sF...and they wouldn't go into a dormancy cycle until their second
or even third winter (October/November).

I expected the same continuous growth from my Rhodophiala seedlings,
however, almost all species are dying back.

Well, except for the R.splendens and R.bagnoldii, which have sent up a
sturdy new leaf...if you can even call them that.

Since the watering & growing conditions have been the same for all species,
I'm assuming that the other species are going into their dormancy
cycles...and hopefully not just being killed off by my either over or under
watering them.

But I don't really know.

I'm continuing to sparingly water even the seedlings that I have died
(back)...with the hope that maybe they're not really all-the-way-dead...just
taking a break.

But again, I don't really know...and I can't bring myself (yet) to dig one
up to see.

When they seem somewhat established, I switched from watering them
indirectly to watering them directly using a spray bottle.

Hopefully that wasn't the Kiss of Death.

With my Hippeastrum seedlings I always water indirectly by keeping all the
pots in plastic tubs and then pouring the water into the tubs and just let
it wick up through the growing medium, which is always 100% peat.

It was interesting that the type of potting medium I used with all these
species of Rhodophiala seeds seemed to make absolutely no difference in

I did test batches of seeds planted in 100% 100% super-fine (San
Francisco) sand...and in a gritty mix of sand, Perlite & aquatic plant
gravel with a little peat mixed in.

The germination ratios & growth rates were pretty much the same...regardless
of which potting medium they were in.

Anyway, if anyone has had prior experience getting these species through
their first year of growth, I'd be interested to hear about it.



P.S. Ken (Amarguy), your B.josephinae is a spectacular are
your intergeneric Amaryllis crosses!

Rock on...and cross on!

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