Debbie, This is a summer growing species from western Mexico. As the name implies the leaves are fairly large, 2-3" across and remarkable in having about seven narrow leaflets. I believe it generally flowers in late spring, just before the leaves emerge or as they emerge. Flowers bright pink on robust stalks. I've only grown it as a pot subject and it is quite reliable. It is dormant winter-to-spring. Though it doubtless endures a dry rest in the wild, it has grown well at UCBG in Berkeley for some years, out in the garden in a semi-shaded position. I am offering material of O. magnifica from Oaxaca, near Matatlan on my new October list. Dylan Hannon Dylan Hannon Rare Bulbs On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Deborah Jordan <>wrote: > Can anyone post some info one this species? > Thanks, > Debbie > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > > >