----- Original Message ---- From: Jim McKenney jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com In this same frame there is a plant of Amaryllis belladonna. It’s doing something now, too, but I don’t think what I see emerging from the bulb is an inflorescence: we’ll see. ----- Response: Wow! Sounds like a horror movie -- what sort of terror will emerge from that innocent bulb? Here in the Bay area, Amaryllis belladonna is long gone, so I'm surprised that yours might be just emerging. My Cypella herbertii insists on continuing to bloom despite the less than perfect weather here. It rained last night, but this morning is OK -- a bit drizzly; nonetheless it opened its 4th blossom. Lewisia also continues to bloom, along with some non-geophytes, providing color for the season. Moraea seeds are sprouting -- many thin coleoptiles (or whatever they are) like so much grass. Many of the deciduous geophytes that I put away at the end of summer are just starting to emerge (encouraged by less than a week of fresh water). Pasithea caerulea and Ferraria crispa emerged a month ago; Sparaxis tricolor is newly emerged. David Ehrlich Hills above Redwood City, CA