SX 480 report

Jan Jeddeloh via pbs
Sun, 12 Jun 2022 20:04:47 PDT
Seed Exchange 480 is now closed.  All the orders will go out in the mail tomorrow.  

Some observations from order filling.    

Clivias were very popular and went fast.  I didn’t have many seeds so a lot of you will unfortunately be disappointed.  Moraeas were also popular and I sold out of most species.  Many people requested calochortus but luckily I had lots of seed of most species so was able to fulfill most requests. Lilies were not popular; perhaps lily lovers are already members of the North American Lily Society and are getting their seed there?. I was surprised most people did not order a full allotment of fifteen packets. I’m used to the NARGS seed exchange where most everyone orders all the seeds they can get. So you are a selective bunch I still have left over seed and will probably organize some grab bags in the near future.  

Some of you have trouble following directions.  I asked for addresses at the top of the seed requests and often found them at the bottom.  I want the addresses at the top because it makes addressing and printing the postage stickers easier for me.  When you’re processing forty five orders you need all the efficiencies you can get.  Please, please put your address at the top.  Next time people who don’t follow instructions may find their orders are filled last! 

Your orders have an invoice enclosed with the amount owed.  When you pay it’s important to note on PayPal or on your check that you are paying for Seed Exchange 480.  Do not confuse or combine payments with bulb exchanges.  Our treasurer Arnold has been given a list of what everyone owes and matches payments with invoices.  It’s important to pay your invoices promptly because you won’t be allowed to participate in future seed and bulb exchanges if you’re not paid up.  I’ve been notified that I have seed coming from Brazil Plants so I’ll be running an exchange for this seed in the near future.  

Enjoy your seed when it arrives.  

Happy growing,

Jan Jeddeloh

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