Saffron, Possibly Replacing Opium in Afghanistan

David Pilling
Wed, 13 Sep 2017 04:30:06 PDT
On 13/09/2017 03:39, Judy Glattstein wrote:
> Nice BBC article about saffron growing / selling in Afghanistan. And Iran.

Here in the North West of England my saffron crocus are just appearing. 
I doubt they will flower.

Stories about commercial saffron growing come round every year. The 
other tale is that it is a single cultivated clone which no one knows 
the origin of.

Maybe the market is not big enough for someone to genetically engineer a 
plant that grows easily and produces lots of saffron.

The BBC did a good programme "The Spice Trail" [1] one episode of which 
featured saffron cultivation - looked like hard labour. See:


David Pilling
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