Hippeastrum cybister

Shane Simonsen shane.simonsen@hotmail.com
Sun, 24 Sep 2017 17:01:00 PDT
Hi Everyone

I am a long time lurker but finally have something interesting to share. I am massively reducing my extensive succulent and carnivorous collections and shifting over to selective breeding of a few bulbs instead. My focus areas are silver leaved Sinningias (leucotricha, canescens, piresiana and a few others) xSprekeliastrum, Neomarica caerulea plus other showy species and scented Babiana species.

Finally got flowers on my Hippeastrum cybister kindly provided by seed from the incomparable Diana Chapman several years ago. Another seedling from Malta is also flowering so looks like the next generation is right around the corner. I am drying and storing the pollen in the fridge to try making hybrids with Sprekelia when they flower later in the season. Has anyone seen xSprekeliastrum done with cybister before?

Shane in Australia
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