Amaryllis belladonna and lycoris squamigera

Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 06 Sep 2017 10:08:48 PDT
Diana Chapman shared an interesting anecdote a number of years ago about 
a surprise Lycoris flowering in California. You can read it here:…

It was speculation on her part that a drop in temperature had induced 
flowering. California often has sunny fall months and doesn't get cold 
sometimes until November. You might search the archives as I think this 
has been discussed a number of times before.

On 9/6/2017 9:36 AM, Chad Cox wrote:
> So that being said should I just dig up the lycoris and get rid of them or is there any chance if I put them in the right place and give them proper care that they will do something for me?
Mary Sue
where my "naked ladies", Gladiolus carmineus, has started to flower in 
spite of the oppressive heat on the North Coast of California
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