
David Pilling david@davidpilling.com
Sat, 30 Sep 2017 04:07:01 PDT

On 30/09/2017 10:38, Fred Bonthuis wrote:
> I have received some bulbs from you but some numbers I can not find from the list vol 7 issue 14  the numbers 7..14  ..5 ..and number 2

PBS list Digest vol 7 issue 14 was people talking about BX 425.

The actual BX post is here:


Moral: Even if you manage to delete emails (why, really) there is always 
the list archive.

2. Muscari armeniacum
3. Narcissus 'Nylon'
4. Nerine masonorum
5. Nerine bowdenii
6. Ornithogalum schmalhausenii, ex Ruksans (O. balansae)
7. Ornithogalum umbellatum , "star of Bethlehem"
8. Oxalis caprina, lilac
9. Oxalis depressa, MV 4871
10. Oxalis flava, yellow
11. Oxalis imbricata
12. Oxalis namaquana, yellow
13. Oxalis sp.?, yellow, ex BX 313
14. Rhodophiala bifida

David Pilling
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