Fwd: Cyclamen

Anita Roselle anitaroselle@gmail.com
Tue, 22 Aug 2017 12:48:56 PDT
Hi Robin,

My email is anitaroselle@gmail.com.

I already have turkey grit and fine chicken grit. Would I mix it with pro
mix and some sand. I am unsure of potting mixes for bulbs and bulb seed.
Should I add some compost?

Clay beads are a clay material that is somehow formed into roundish shapes
and fired. With orchids it makes a mix lighter and more open at the same
time holding moisture and releasing it slowly , they come in several sizes.

I use lava rock a lot with my orchids, wonder if pumice is sold here on the
east coast. I don't throw out the very fine dust from pounding up the lava
into the size I want, I don't have much of that though.

I appreciate anything that will help me get up to speed with bulbs and bulb
seed faster, I feel like a baby in the woods, everyone seems to know all
these things. I look forward to the catalog, I love old ones they usually
have lots of information in them.

I know of Nancy Goodwin but I have never been down to where she is, I am
located about 4 hours from there. The soil is somewhat different here in
the mountains than it is down east. I would love to have a garden half as
lovely as hers. I was about to say that I do not have any conifers but I
have a sizeable Cryptomeria japonica that they would look nice under.  I
will try that when they are a little bigger, I need to start seed every
year so I create a supply. Where is the best place besides seed exchanges
to get seed, I used to belong to NARGS but have let it go.

Thank you a lot,
Anita R.

On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Hansen Nursery <robin@hansennursery.com>

> Plastic pots might be better to start unless you plunge clay pots in damp
> builders' sand.  Pumice is thrown out by volcanoes here in the west so it's
> a common potting ingredient mixed with other ingredients such as fine or
> coarse fir or pine bark and other materials.  Turkey grit would work as a
> substitute as most cyclamen are not hugely pH sensitive.  You can get it in
> 50-lb bags at your local animal feed dealer or farm supplier.  I don't know
> what clay beads are as I've not seen them.  As the cyclamen tubers get
> another year's growth you could put them under conifers in your garden.
> You
> won't necessarily need to amend your soil to put cyclamen in the ground.
> Google Nancy Goodwin and you'll see she has tons of cyclamen in her garden.
> If you'll send your private email to me at the address below, I'll send an
> old catalog that has tons of information about where to put them and how to
> grow.  I don't generally advertise the catalog on the PBS site as most
> members are aware of it.  There are also some books and other information
> you can find.  If you can grow orchids, you can grow cyclamen!!!
> Robin Hansen
> robin@hansennursery.com
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