A Question for Haemanthus Experts

Bruce Schroder bruceandjill.schroder@gmail.com
Mon, 28 Aug 2017 16:46:01 PDT
I responded personally to Eugene as well.  I live in Melbourne, Australia
and grow numerous forms of Haemanthus humilis including the Giant form.  I
have been growing them here for approximately 20 years and they certainly
aren't winter dormant!  They perform really well in the southern states of

I grow them outdoors here (both in large pots and in the garden) as our
climate is somewhat Mediterranean in nature with frosts very rare.  I would
never consider growing this or any other species of Haemanthus inside as
they all require maximum light during their growing season but not
necessarily the extent of dampness we can often endure over a Melbourne
winter so growing them under well lit cover can help although it is not

Here in Melbourne, they start to flower in early January (mid summer) with
leaf growth commencing almost simultaneously.  Most other Haemanthus sp
have their cycle commence a couple of months later.  Haemanthus humilis is
at its peak growth during our autumn/winter (March - August) and most forms
remain in leaf until mid to late October with only a short dormancy during
late spring and early summer.  As the season draws on, and especially with
winter rains, the enormous fleshy leaves can start to deteriorate in vigour
with splits not uncommon.

It is clear from the comments received that performance of this species
varies substantially depending on where and under what climatic conditions
 it is being grown.

Bruce Schroder, Melbourne, Australia
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