1 of 752 Collapse all Print all In new window re: Tips to grow Stenomesson from seed

Bruce Schroder bruceandjill.schroder@gmail.com
Fri, 25 Aug 2017 21:05:47 PDT
Norton - I saw the message you left on the PBS forum enquiring about
growing Stenomesson from seed a couple of days ago.  So far there has been
no response which doesn't surprise me because I suspect very few
enthusiasts have had the opportunity.  I understand there are a few species
of Stenomesson and Clinanthus grown by collectors but I suspect many are
growing the same clones and therefore  seeds are rarely available, if at

I know in Australia only Stenomesson miniatum (possibly a virused clone), S
pearcei and possibly one other unnamed Stenomesson are grown and these are
all thought to be from the same clone.  I have S pearcei flowering at the
moment (for the first time) and am trying to pollinate it.  Pictures

I think only Clinanthus incarnatus and C variegatus are grown in Australia,
again only single clones and seed is never available.

Bruce Schroder - Melbourne, Australia
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