Folks, Please remember to respond to Dell's Seedex announcements privately and directly to his personal email account. I love you all dearly, but I have severely limited time for reading mail and would prefer to read about the bulbs, not about your seed requests. Just a reminder that Dell's personal address is Please respond directly to him if you want some of the great seeds available. Please forgive my comments if you are new to the list and not quite in the groove we oldtimers have struggled to reach... Scilla scilloides is blooming and I always thought it was sort of blah! Well, now that it is in full sun, it's showing its discreet but welcome late summer flowers. So is Leucojum auntumnalis. They are much better in full sun - now why did it take so long to figure that out???? Robin Hansen Nursery In sunny coastal Oregon far away from the crazy eclipse crowd. If you don't have to go anywhere, don’t. _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…