Dear Pamela, Bulb mites can also cause red blotches on Amarillidaceae. Here i use captan and tebuconazole (active ingredients) for red blotch, but i re-treat the bulbs-plants after 10 days and wait to see if new leaves are healthy. If the blotches are only on the bulb and on the leaves they appear as horizontal stripes/zones it is usually because of mites, which needs a totally different treatment. Regards, Janos Hungary, Z5a 2015-05-27 22:22 GMT+02:00 Pamela Slate <>: > Dear PBS, > Following an exceptionally wet nine months, I have Stagonospora on > Habranthus magnoi and Zephryanthes spp. I completed the treatment > recommended on the wiki using the bleach method and red blotches remain on > bulbs and their roots. > > Is the solution perhaps too weak? I've soaked other bulbs (Sparaxis for > one) in a 5% bleach solution without ill effects. > > I cannot use chemical treatments. Suggestions anyone? > > Very much appreciate it, > Pamela Slate > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > > >