Flower color intensity (was Soils and flower color)

Nathan Lange plantsman@comcast.net
Tue, 12 May 2015 15:21:34 PDT


Have you changed the covering on your greenhouses recently?  Could 
you be seeing the resulting effects of reduced light transmission 
and/or altered light quality caused by aging polyethylene?


At 08:44 AM 5/12/2015, you wrote:
>Hi Jane:
>I don't know about soil, but some of my bulbs definitely change 
>color from year to year, and I am certain it is not from stray 
>seedlings finding their way into the pots.  Color intensity of 
>Triteleia laxa changes, but the most dramatic color differences have 
>been in Rhodophiala.  I have a pot of R. chilensis grown from seed 
>that were clear red, and were identified as such when I got the seed 
>from Flores and Watson.  The original bulbs are still with me, but 
>this year and last year they are yellow diffused with red 
>throughout.  There is no sign of virus or any other problem. Oxalis 
>flower color can change quite a bit.  At first I thought it was from 
>seeding from adjacent pots producing new colors, but I now see that 
>they actually change, not just in intensity, but also hue.  The soil 
>is not a factor here, I have them in the same mix, but temperature 
>varies from year to year, and that could be a factor.  Some colors 
>seem to have 'evolved', changing gradually each year until they 
>hardly resemble the original picture I have of them (Oxalis obtusa 
>Peaches & Cream, is, unfortunately, one of these).

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