Moving many mature plants from one garden to another three and one-half years ago seems to have altered the flower color in some. Soil in the first garden is very well drained. rocky, volcanic "shot clay" with high iron and potassium levels. That in the new garden is fairly heavy clay (also of volcanic origin but at lower elevation), now well amended with organic matter, with none of the red color seen in the former. Two species of Paeonia, both grown from wild-collected seed in the mid-1990s, are particularly different. Paeonia mlokosewitschii was cream with a pink flush, mostly from pink veins; now it is clear pale yellow. Paeonia officinalis was a beautiful blood-red; now I would call it rose-red, a less striking color. Have you noticed other geophytes that vary in flower color in different soils? Jane McGary Portland, Oregon, USA